Wednesday, May 6, 2020
My Strength and Weakness in Composition Writing Class
This semester I learned many new things in my English 1301 class. I took this class last year but I had to drop it because I didn’t have a professor explaining the work to me. And I really didn’t understand what I was doing. At first, I was scared to take this class. During my high school years I wasn’t that good of a writer. I thought this composition class was going to be hard since I sometimes thought it was hard in high school. My writing experience was good and sometimes bad. This semester in the composition class I had many writing strengths and weaknesses. These strengths and weaknesses is what helped me learn the errors I was making while writing essays this semester. My first writing weakness was deciding what to write about. I†¦show more content†¦I was really happy that I didn’t have trouble filling up those pages. This contributed to my essay writing because it showed me that if I don’t give and try my best I will be able to do it. It also showed me to always think positive, if I’m always thinking of negative stuff I won’t be able to set my mind free and try my best in the stuff I do. Another strength I had was finding the symbols in the short story  ¨The Lottery ¨. When I first read it I didn’t find any symbols. After Mrs. Philpott gave us the lesson on symbolism in literature I found many symbols. I also saw how those symbols give the readers clues so we could get a clue of how the ending is. I won’t forget about this lesson and when I read books I’m going to pay close attention to the words. If I pay attention to that maybe I will get a taste of how the ending is going to be. This was one of the lesson I enjoyed the most. This contributed because this is something I’m going to know for the rest of my life. The third writing strength I had was that I didn’t have trouble with the quotes. We had a lesson over how we had to add the quotes on the essay. 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